cables contain number of single glass fibers. Fiber optic
cable is opaque to UV light. Steel spring reinforcement increases
the strength & durability of the cable. It provides uniform
edge light
distribution and enables to reach any task area using distantly
located light source.
Combination goose neck cable is specially used to fit to
surgical table. It can be adjusted to any position thus enabling
doctor to adjust the focus to any spot on the table. It is
compatible with normal cold light source.
Custom made fiber optic cable carriers are supplied as per
the needs & specifications given by the customers.
Fiber optic carriers are also made as per the endoscope given
by the customer. These Carriers Are Then suitably fitted to
the endoscopes. These carriers provide more illumination than
battery oprated light system. There are illustrated above.
These carriers provide more illumnination than battery operated
light system. There are many other type of retractors and
endoscopes which also can be converted into fiber optic carriers
are made up of stainless steel tubings and then suitably fitted
or soldered to the related retractor or the endoscope.
ENT Head lights are additional attachment to fiber optic
cable. These are available in two different models. It gives
bright circular spot of light for visual examination &
operations Of Any Part of the body. It's lightweight &
spot padding helps the doctor feel comfortable. Light spot
can be focused with the help of focusing ring of the head
light. It gives 40 to 65 mm dia. Spot of bright light.
ITEM "description"
Dia.3.5 mm/L 180cm fiber optic cable
Dia.3.5 mm/L 230cm fiber optic cable
Dia.4.5 mm/L180cm fiber optic cable
Dia4.5 mm/L 230cm fiber optic cable
Fiber optic carriers -- Customised
ENT Head Light (straight focussable)
ENT Head Light (Bend Focussable)